Planning a Strong School Leader Succession: Lessons from Across the Charter Sector

Presenter: Morty Ballen, Founder, First Person.
Date/Time: March 30, 2021 1:00 pm EDT

View The Webinar:

About the Webinar:

Succession is one of the most critical chapters in a charter organization’s life span. A strong and intentional approach to succession has the potential to place the organization on a positive trajectory; a poor approach can have the opposite effect, significantly weakening the organization. Participants will understand the key phases of the “arc” of succession and the risks associated with each phase and learn about practices to mitigate those risks. The session will be moderated by Mollie Mitchell and Morty Ballen, who interviewed leaders from 50 charter organizations from across the country to learn about their experiences with succession and to share best practices.

Handouts / Slides:

Succession Planning Handouts