Payroll Math and Salary Schedules

Presenter: Curtis Fuller, Director of Charter School Operations
Date/Time: March 21, 2019 10:00 am EDT

View The Webinar:

About the Webinar:

As we prepare to make plans for next school year, it is time to start considering salaries. Florida statute requires charter schools to have a performance-based salary schedule. What does this mean? How do we calculate salaries for employees next year, and ensure we are retaining our best staff? Also, for those teachers who are not returning, how do we finalize their payroll? Many school leaders do not understand the complexities which should go into the payroll calculations for their 10-month employees. This webinar, presented by Curtis Fuller of the Charter Support Unit, will explain the math formulas and review salary schedule requirements for Florida Charter Schools.

Handouts / Slides:

2019-03-21 - Payroll Math.pdf