High Expectations = Positive School Culture: Strategies for Success

Presenter: Sherry Watts and Kimberly Dison of Minneola Elementary Charter School
Date/Time: December 7, 2017 12:00 am EST

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About the Webinar:

With the many demands on educators, setting high expectations AND maintaining a positive school culture is a challenge for any school. By participating High Expectations = Positive School Culture: Strategies for Successin this webinar, attendees will hear how one school tackled declining student achievement and a negative school culture, turning it around to build a cohesive school team with high expectations. This presentation will provide examples of strategies that have proven highly effective in creating a positive school culture combined with student success. The strategies shared throughout this session will provide a toolkit of information for all attendees to implement in their own school community. The session will be presented by Sherry Watts and Kimberly Dison of Minneola Elementary Charter School.

Handouts / Slides:

2017-12-07 - High Expectations Positive School Cultured disonupdate