Looking to recruit a dynamic governing board member?

The Governance Board Program recruits quality community members looking to serve and make a difference and match them with charter schools in their community.

Services Provided to Schools


  • We will meet with you to determine your Board needs.
  • We will evaluate your board operations and implement an action plan to ensure sound board operational practices.
  • We then work to match you with a member of your community that is ready to serve on your board.
  • Once matched we will provide support to assist the successful transition of the new board member

Who Can Participate?

Newly approved charter schools: Schools who have acquired their charter contract and are within their first five years of operations

Prospective Schools: Groups that have submitted a charter application and have at least 75% of total board members already recruited


Strong governing boards allow leaders to lead and inspire our future generation.

Interested in learning more?  Please complete the form below, or contact Christine Mentis at cmentis@bhope.org or (754) 247-4333.