Florida Teacher Salary Increase Calculator 2020-21

Boards & Governance, Planning & Launching | Florida

In response to 2020 HB641 the Charter Support Unit has created this calculator to assist schools with calculating the teacher salary increase amounts and to complete the state’s preliminary expenditure report template.

We strongly encourage before you complete begin working on this calculator that you read the information that has been made available by the state of Florida.  The Department of Education has a page on its website dedicated to this topic at: http://www.fldoe.org/teaching/recognition/teacher-salary.stml

The attached Excel document includes instructions on how to use the calculator on the “Directions” tab.  Please review that tab and then follow the directions as appropriate. The calculator will also automatically complete the state’s “Charter School Preliminary Expenditure Report Template” which was distributed on September 11. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to the Charter Support Unit.
