Understanding Your Required Financial Documents

Presenter: Bill Hunter and Christy Simmons from Hunter and Simmons, CPAs
Date/Time: March 1, 2018 10:00 am EST

View The Webinar:

About the Webinar:

Accounting and financial reporting for charter schools are complicated and often counter-intuitive. This webinar will focus on how to understand the basics of these financial reports. This presentation will be particularly beneficial for Governing Board members and new administrators who are unfamiliar with the accounting systems typically used by charter schools. The webinar will review the revenue estimating workbook, what should be in the annual budget, how to examine financial reports and what to expect with year-end financial reporting and audits. The webinar will be presented by Bill Hunter and Christy Simmons, partners with Hunter and Simmons, CPAs.

Handouts / Slides:

2018-03-01 - Underatanding Financial Reports PowerPoint.pdf