Utilizing Tech Resources to Deliver Project-based Learning

Presenter: Shannon Treece, Principal, Babcock Neighborhood School, Tiffany Bishop 1st grade teacher, Rachel Crawford, 1st grade teacher, CJ McFarlane, Technology Director, Robert Kenny, PH.D., Governing Board Member
Date/Time: February 4, 2021 10:00 am EST

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About the Webinar:

Babcock Neighborhood School is deeply rooted in Project-based Learning. When COVID hit and everything changed, the team had to redesign our delivery model, fast. It seemed like an impossible hurdle to overcome. During the Spring and through the summer we continued to develop a model that we believed had the potential to transform our approach for the future of our Next Generation Learners. The teacher leaders and administration focused on developing a sustainable model that uses tools and resources that are efficient and affordable. The model begins with the use of lecture capture to flip learning and deliver instruction seamlessly and equitably to all students, through a powerful LMS (Learning Management System) rooted in Standards-Based Grading teachers are able to have autonomy in developing cross-curricular PBL experiences while seamlessly monitoring standards taught and measured, and finally, student engagement is achieved through meaningful applications of standards through PBL experiences.
*BNS will share our hurdles and celebrations through our implementation plan over the last three years and how it has shaped our work for the future.
*BNS will provide specific examples of all PBL components through the utilization of the lecture capture model and our LMS system.
*BNS will share the meaningful experiences of the stakeholders during the presentation.
*BNS will give a virtual tour of a classroom delivering a PBL component during our presentation.
BNS is eager to share our learning with our schools looking for inspiration in developing a focus on student learning and engagement through the use of technological resources.

Handouts / Slides:

2021-02-04 - Utilizing Tech Resources to Deliver PBL