Spotlight: Brooks DeBartolo Collegiate High School

Presenter: Kristine Bennett, Principal
Date/Time: August 6, 2015 12:00 am EDT

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About the Webinar:

Brooks DeBartolo Collegiate High School is a public charter school opened in 2007. Founded by Pro Football Hall of Fame Bucs Linebacker Derrick Brooks and the Edward J. DeBartolo Family, the school has always been focused on the goal of providing a high quality collegiate educational program to its students. The school uses a variety of methods to customize their educational approaches to reach each individual student, and has experienced fantastic success, having gone from a “D” in its second year to five consecutive “A”s from the State of Florida. This presentation focused on this successful school and how the Principal, Ms. Kristine Bennett uses her strong organizational skills to plan the school. The talk was focused on what leaders can do to plan for the myriad of deadlines and requirements they need to focus on, while still allowing them to stay focused on the important task of the school’s academic success.

Handouts / Slides:

2015-08-06 - 2015 Organizational planning.pdf