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Professional Learning Communities are Key to Raising Student Academic Achievement

Presenter: Alexandra Penn, the Learning Design Coach for Pasco County Schools
Date/Time: October 25, 2018 10:00 am EDT

View The Webinar:

About the Webinar:

Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) provide schools with a cohesive structure to analyze data and sure continuous growth among staff. This webinar will focus on the role of PLCs as they relate to data-driven instruction and the implementation of Response to Intervention (RtI). Roles, norms, and methodologies for effective PLC meetings will be clearly defined. Participants will be exposed to research which shows the positive impact which PLCs have on student academic achievement. Examples of how PLC meetings can be embedded in the school schedule, as well as examples of how to lead them, will be offered in this presentation. Join us for this informative webinar to better understand how PLCs can serve as fertile ground for the implementation of RtI, and that well planned and implemented PLC meetings can lead to improved achievement of ALL students. The presentation will be led by Alexandra Penn, the Learning Design Coach for Pasco County Schools.

Handouts / Slides:

2018-10-25 - Professional Learning Communities Anama.pdf