Getting FTE Correct and Preparing for an FEFP Audit

Presenter: Dr. Andy Binns, Chairman of Palm Beach Maritime Academy
Date/Time: January 25, 2018 10:00 am EST

View The Webinar:

About the Webinar:

This presentation will review the state reporting requirements addressing FTE reporting and steps to be taken to prepare for state FEFP audits. The presentation will review the specific components that are required to report students for funding under the FEFP. The webinar will also address some of the differences between the October and February surveys, and why schools should take both seriously. The webinar will be presented by Dr. Andy Binns who was formerly the Director of FTE & Student Reporting for the School District of Palm Beach County, as well as currently the Board Chair of the Palm Beach Maritime Academy, a charter school in Palm Beach.

Handouts / Slides:

2018-01-25 - FCSC-Getting FTE Correct and Preparing for an FEFP Audit Updated.pdf