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Class Size Reporting and FTE Essentials

Presenter: Kenneth Dukes from the Florida Department of Education’s FTE and Class Size Database Reporting Team
Date/Time: October 4, 2018 10:00 am EDT

View The Webinar:

About the Webinar:

Survey week for survey two is coming soon (October 8-12, 2018). What does this mean for you and your school? What last minute thing should school leaders remember going into this critical week to ensure proper funding? This webinar will be presented by Kenneth Dukes from the Florida Department of Education’s FTE and Class Size Database Reporting Team. The presentation will focus heavily on frequently asked questions regarding Class Size requirements and how to ensure the class sizes are correctly reported. A brief overview of the consequences of not meeting class size requirements for charter schools will also be discussed. In addition, we will provide leaders with a variety of tips and tricks of things to keep in mind heading into survey 2.

Handouts / Slides:

2018-10-04 - Class Size Reporting and FTE Essentials.pptx