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Developing A Charter School Website

Presenter: Curtis Fuller
Date/Time: July 18, 2013 10:00 am EDT

View The Webinar:

About the Webinar:

The recent legislation signed into law by the Governor requires for the first time that Charter Schools maintain a website with information about the charter school, the academics, finances and governance. While most schools have a website, many have not put a lot of strategic thought into how to maintain, update and use their website to best communicate with families, and now to meet the requirements of the law. This webinar will talk about the requirements for the website, and then various recommendations to consider when developing or redesigning your website, as well as look at a few services ranging from open source free options to paid hosting services you can use when developing your site. We also will share some general thoughts of things to consider if you are looking to hire or outsource the development to another party.

Handouts / Slides:

2013-07-18 - Building A Website.pdf