Student Data Strategies and Best Practices for 2020-21 Distance Learning

Presenter: Charlie Coglianese, Schoolrunner’s CEO/Founder and Chief Data Wizard
Date/Time: February 23, 2021 1:00 pm EST

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About the Webinar:

In this session, webinar attendees will be exposed to best practices and some of the most innovative data strategies school leaders are implementing during these unique times. Schoolrunner’s CEO/Founder and Chief Data Wizard, Charlie Coglianese, will highlight and discuss what school leaders across the country have done to address challenges presented during the current pandemic. Some best practice highlights will include things like communication expectations/goals, tracking family engagement and student attendance, use of health screeners, identifying and addressing student achievement gaps, among other key topics. Furthermore, during this interactive workshop, ask questions as Charlie discusses new product developments and national trends resulting from school leaders attempting to address the needs of their local community as a result of the pandemic.

Handouts / Slides:

2021-02-23 - Student Data Strategies and Best Practices