NSI: Student On-boarding and Handbooks

DATE: April 2, 2019
PRESENTER: Curtis Fuller, Director of Florida Charter Support Unit

This week’s meeting will focus on some ideas about how to keep your families engaged all summer, how to get the information you need from students and how to try increase the likelihood that the students who have registered for your school will show up on the first day of school. We will talk about family handbooks and the types of forms you might want to consider sending home to your families once they’ve been accepted in the lottery.

This will be a virtual meeting of the New School Institute. These trainings are established to provide guidance to groups who are working to open a new charter school in the near future. The meetings are held virtually using Go To Meeting. You will be able to join the meeting by going to
https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/736756021, you can either use audio through your computer (it is recommended only if you have a headset or headphones, or you can also dial in using your phone. The dial-in number will be (408) 650-3123, and the access code is: 736-756-021.

Registration Info: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScW2rebidz8_uoex3-uD8qyYvuzj8Yp41NOQddevG7VcLti0g/viewform?usp=sf_link

Presentation Materials: