About Us
Your partner in charter school quality, offering a broad range of resources and customized advice.
We work for your school
Operated by the nonprofit Building Hope, the CSU provides a variety of broadly useful resources and customized advice to charter leaders and governing boards, nationally and particularly with a focus on schools’ facility needs in Florida, Upstate New York, Texas, the District of Columbia and rural communities.
Our team stands ready to help.
Have an issue that would benefit from an outside perspective? CSU consultants are available to meet with school leaders and boards to work through your school’s particular challenges or to help you advance your mission in new ways.

Curtis Fuller
Director of Charter School Operations, Florida
Curtis joined Building Hope in 2012 after operating a High Performing Charter School in Florida for seven years, and opening a second campus. Curtis established the Charter Support Unit in Florida and has been assisting charter schools statewide.
(727) 223-6391

Dana Vignale
Charter Support Manager, Florida
Dana joined Building Hope in 2022 after serving as an executive director a network of district-managed charter schools and as a director of finance for a network of seven schools. She works to provide services to school through the Charter Support Unit.
(786) 598-0455

Christine Mentis
Services Manager
hristine joined Building Hope in 2021 after serving as the executive director for three charter schools in Florida. Her focus is governing board recruitment and support through the Charter Support Unit.
(754) 247-4333

Trisha Leitem
Director of School Services, Florida
Trisha joined Building Hope in 2019 with a background as an educator and school administrator. She enjoys assisting charter schools in moving toward their missions and visions. Trisha focuses on programs and grants management and compliance.
(850) 848-4757
Our history and funding
The Charter Support Unit began as an objective of Florida’s 2011-16 Charter Schools Program (CSP) grant with the U.S. Department of Education. The grant proposed the implementation of a “Charter Support Unit” (CSU) for the purpose of providing short-term, intensive, and targeted support for start-up and new charter schools. The grant detailed that the CSU would be staffed by experienced educational professionals with expertise in curriculum, instruction, finance, governance, and leadership. The Florida Department of Education contracted with the nonprofit organization Building Hope to operate the CSU. Florida’s support continued on 2018 with a general appropriation to continue the work of the CSU, and was again included and expanded in Florida’s 2020-3025 federal Charter Schools Program grant as a significant component of the state’s technical assistance budget moving forward.
In 2018 the U.S. Department of Education awarded Building Hope a grant to expand the services of the Charter Support Unit to additional locations throughout the country. With the support from the U.S. Department of Education grant and a grant from the Walton Family Foundation, the CSU formally expanded to Texas in 2019.
The CSU provides support to charter schools in the first few years of operation, and our experts are available to conduct site assessments and provide recommendations for charter school improvement. The CSU’s resources and services are largely free to charter schools, but our more time-intensive services may entail a fee.
rapid response
“We are happy to have the Charter Support Unit as a resource for sound information as we navigate the waters of charter school operation. The CSU team draws upon their experience as charter school leaders to provide a rapid response for complex situations. They are assets to the charter school community.”
– Joseph A. Gatti, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Gulf Coast Academy of Science & Technology (Spring Hill, FL)
Dana Vignale
(786) 598-0455 Office
Curtis Fuller
(727) 223-6391 Office
Not sure who to contact?
Call our toll-free hotline and we’ll help you find answers.
(888) 677-9250
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If you need more targeted one-on-one support, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.
Toll Free • (888) 677-9250 | info@charter.support